I’ve been reflecting a lot on what it means to be vulnerable. To allow yourself to feel naked enough for others to see your most authentic self. To feel seen in your highest expression of truth, whatever the outcome. It can feel like a huge risk. When I see people for sessions, I recognize that person is showing up with a lot of courage to seek the answers to questions they have been holding in their heart for some time. I do my best to create a safe, warm, and loving space to allow that person to go as deep as they are comfortable going.
Having moved to a new city, I find myself mustering up the courage to be vulnerable, in some way, on a daily basis. To push past my fears of who I am and what I do being received outside my comfort zone. I’ve been trying to take one small risk, one small act of courage per day. I surround these vulnerable acts with a lot of compassion, love, and forgiveness. I call in gentleness as I move forward into new ways of being with myself, my work, and all of you.